Rabbi Walter’s Shiurim – Available Online

posted in: Uncategorized

Rabbi Moshe Walter’s Shiruim are available to listen online.  These include the The 39 Melachos of Shabbos which occur Monday nights and The History and Development of the Siddur  which occurs every other Tuesday night.   For more information please contact Rabbi … Read More

Wine & Design 2016 Event – Recap

posted in: Uncategorized

The Wine & Design 2016 Event was a smashing success. Everyone had an enjoyable time and came home with a gorgeous work of art.  Thanks to all the volunteers.    Look for more exciting events at Woodside Synagogue!  

Yeshiva Greater Washington Shabbaton – Jan 8 & 9th

posted in: Uncategorized

Kollel Zichron Amram of Yeshiva Greater Washington – Tiferes Gedaliah joins Woodside Synagogue for a Shabbaton on January 8th & 9th Parshas Vaera.  Speaker include Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky, Rabbi Eli Reingold and Mrs. Rachie Reingold. For more information contact Rabbi Reingold at 301-996-5910. Please see flyer: Woodside … Read More

Chanukah Party 2015 Pictures Posted

posted in: Youth

The Chanukah Party 2015 at Woodside Synagogue was much loads of fun.  Thanks to all the volunteers.  Pictures have been posted.  Enjoy! Chanukah Party 2015 Pictures

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