Rabbi Moshe Walter serves as the Rav of Woodside Synagogue Ahavas Torah and is the executive director of the Rabbinical Council of Greater Washington.

Rabbi Walter received semichah from Yeshivas Yitzchok Elchanan (Yeshiva University) and subsequently spent close to a decade learning in various Kollellim in Yerushalayim, with the bulk of the time at the Mir Yeshiva. During that period Rabbi Walter received Semichah as well from two prominent Halachic authorities, Harav Mattisyahu Deutsch, Rav of Ramat Shlomo, Yerushalayim, and Harav Yisroel Ganz, Rav in Bayit V’Gan and Mattesdorf neighborhood’s of Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Walter has authored three books of Jewish Law published by Feldheim;

Rabbi Walter has also published articles in the Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society, Dialogue and Hakira. He is the founder, editor, and a regular contributor to the Bulletin of the Vaad HaRabbanim of Greater Washington, a biannual compendium dedicated to contemporary halachic and hashkafic issues pertaining to the Yamim Tovim, and other important communal matters.

Rabbi Walter regularly lectures and delivers shiurim on a wide range of topics including Gemara, Halacha, and Hashkafa. Rabbi Walter’s shiurim are engaging, interesting, and informative, and are popular for their content and clarity with which they are presented. Rabbi Walter’s shiurimdrashos, articles, and books are now conveniently available to you in one place: rabbimoshewalter.com which is the home of a comprehensive collection of shiurim, articles, and Halachic insights by Rabbi Moshe Walter – almost 1000 Shiurim and counting!

Rabbi Walter makes himself readily available to answer halachic questions, and meets and speaks with congregants about the gamut of issues that they are facing. Rabbi and Mrs. Walter enjoy opening their home to the Shul, and cherish the very close relationships that they build with members.

Rabbi and Mrs. Devora Walter are blessed to be raising their children; Yisroel Yaakov, Tehila, Azriel Shlomo, Tova Bracha, Rivka, Leba, Eliyahu, Yosef Meir, and Aidel Chana in the wonderful Woodside community.

Rabbi Walter may be reached via email at: rabbi.walter@wsat.org